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Saving $100,000 Annually for an Online Retailer

Ottimizzato per l'infrastruttura cloud, riducendo i costi operativi di $100k/anno, mentre il miglioramento delle prestazioni.

ClientClient nameYear2023AuthorAuthor name

Ottimizzazione Cloud

Client: An online retail company experiencing escalating cloud storage and processing costs.

Challenge: The client’s cloud infrastructure was inefficient, leading to unnecessary expenses amounting to over $100,000 annually.

Solution: HMD’s cloud experts conducted a thorough analysis of the client’s cloud architecture, identifying areas of redundancy and inefficiency. We then optimized their cloud setup, implementing scalable and cost-effective solutions.

Outcome: The optimization resulted in an annual saving of approximately $100,000 for the client, significantly reducing their operational costs while improving cloud service performance.

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